hers experimental design laboratory inc.


Design Division|2005




  • モデルを前に飽きないカタチを検証していった。結果、シンプル、かつ常に新鮮なニュアンスを実現。
  • 反ったカタチは、熱放出が縦置きでも横置きでも対応できるようにしたため。多様な設置が可能となった。
  • 1代目の黒いXboxから、薄いグリーン系の白へと、バイセクシャルにアピールするカラーリングを行った。

The Xbox360 is a next-generation game console positioned at the center of your entertainment life. By integrating hardware, software, and services at a high level, the Xbox360 will provide an experience that has never been achieved with a game console before. Particularly in the area of services, the XboxLive online service will provide a revolutionary communication experience, allowing users to play online games, download new content, and video and voice chat with friends. On the other hand, its curvy design, in contrast to the mighty power inside, gives it a sophisticated look that matches any interior.

  • We examined the shape of the model to make sure we would not get bored with it. The result is simple, yet always fresh and nuanced.
  • The warped shape is so that it can be placed vertically or horizontally for heat release. A variety of installation options are now possible.
  • The color scheme was changed from the black Xbox of the first generation to a pale greenish white to appeal to bisexuals.
  • Year : 2005
  • Category : Design Division
  • Client : Microsoft