hers experimental design laboratory inc.

Kitchen scissors for meat cutting “chef’s”

METAPHYS Division|2021

肉切り専用キッチンバサミ "chef’s"

Kitchen scissors for meat cutting “chef’s”


シェフズ は主に肉を切る用途を想定してデザインされた、プロ向けのキッチンバサミです。従来の肉切りハサミで未解決だった問題を一つ一つ解決。「肉を切る行為そのもの」に着目することから生まれたキッチンバサミ(右利き専用)です。


  • 横に寝かせず立てて置くことが可能なデザイン。置いた状態で刃がテーブルに触れず衛生的
  • ヒンジの位置を下方向にずらすことで、刃が「引きながら切る」ように動き、僅かな力で肉を切ることが可能
  • ステンレスに鏡面黒酸化発色処理を施す事で、見た目の美しさと同時に錆びにくい被膜をつくる表面処理


Problem Solving type Kitchen Scissors Focused on Korean Food Culture

Chef’s is a professional kitchen scissors designed mainly for meat cutting. We have solved the unsolved problems of conventional meat cutting scissors one by one. This kitchen scissors (right-handed only) was created by focusing on the act of cutting meat.

The project started as part of the Korean vernacular Design Project from the National Asian Culture Center in Gwangju, Korea. In Korean food culture, the act of cutting meat with scissors while cooking is a customary practice. However, most of the scissors used are general-purpose kitchen scissors, and in some cases, sewing scissors are used. Therefore, there is no standard product on the market that can be called a standard. So the idea of planning a pair of scissors specialized for cutting meat was conceived. Also in Japan, the convenience of kitchen scissors as cooking utensils, such as not needing a cutting board, being able to use them to finish serving food, and being able to cut things other than food, has spread, and the resistance to using scissors for cooking that existed a long time ago is fading.

  • Designed to be placed upright instead of lying on its side. The blade does not touch the table when placed, making it hygienic.
  • By shifting the position of the hinge downward, the blade moves as if it is “pulling while cutting,” allowing you to cut meat with little effort.
  • The mirror finishing black oxidation treatment of stainless steel creates a glossy surface that looks beautiful and at the same time creates a rust-resistant film.

We aim to solve functional problems with existing kitchen scissors, achieve the expression of high-quality texture, and provide the joy of ownership and the ideal meat cutting experience. One of the major features in the design is the position of the hinge, which is shifted downward from its normal center position. This allows the scissors to be placed upright and keeps them sanitary because the blades do not touch the table. Therefore, there is no more trouble with where to put the scissors while eating or cooking. Moreover, the blades move like cutting while pulling, which enables a user to cut meat with a slight force. The serration processing and the warped blades prevent the meat from slipping and realize the feeling to users that the meat can be cut easily and comfortably. As an appearance design, a mirror finish with black oxidation coloring is applied to the surface, which is unprecedented for scissors.The deep black luster gives the scissors a premium feel, making them suitable for use in hotels, restaurants, and other high-end service establishments without looking inferior.

  • Year : 2021
  • Category : METAPHYS Division